About treyled life settlements

Treyled Life Settlements seeks to resurrect and correct life insurance planning that is no longer affordable, advisable or desired.

The life settlements market is fragmented and misunderstood. The lack of information available to insureds and policyholders and the insurance, financial, legal and tax advisors to these persons requires correction. Treyled Life Settlements works with clients and their insurance, financial, estate planning and tax advisors to help efficiently unlock premium dollars previously thought lost or inaccessible until the insured’s death.

Working through Treyled Life Settlements can generate immediate opportunities for more efficient and effective estate and financial planning consistent with the current goals of the insured, the insured's business and/or family. Studies have shown that 88% of all universal life insurance policies never pay a death benefit claim— that means a staggering amount of premium dollars have been wasted.

Traditional life settlement brokers charge high fees, and most lack Treyled's experience and knowledge of the insurance market's inner workings, both on the design and purchase side. Alternatively, selling directly to a provider or purchaser without expert advice may not yield the best financial outcome to the seller. Treyled has discovered that clients, for whatever reason, remain largely uninformed about the life settlement market to the advantage of contract purchasers. Treyled's process focuses on information, policy analysis, transparency and disintermediation.

Through Treyled's specialized auction process, Treyled can eliminate additional layers of expense in the settlement process and, by doing so, also can significantly reduce the standard transaction fees.

Every case is unique, but Treyled works to maximize the amount to the policyholder each time.