For this analysis, Treyled requires a general idea of the insured’s health and an in-force illustration showing the premiums to carry the policy to maturity. Initial pricing and evaluation are an essential part of the process for Treyled, the policyholder and any advisory team.

Auction results

Treyled Life Settlements’ auction process creates real competition in the market and is designed to yield better pricing than a direct sale to a purchaser and more than the cash surrender value.

The process starts by completing a pre-pricing analysis.

The Treyled Life Settlements’ process starts with a policy pre-pricing and analysis.  For this initial step, TLS requires a general idea of the insured’s health and a current policy illustration reflecting the necessary level premiums to carry the policy to maturity.  The policy pre-pricing and evaluation are an essential part of the process for TLS, the policyholder and any advisory team.Once initial pricing has been explored and if the policyholder wants to proceed with the settlement process, TLS will take the appropriate next steps to build the file and offer the policy for sale.  The policyholder’s case is developed using Treyled Life Settlements’ specialized auction format and pricing methodology to identify the maximum value for the policy. See below for TLS auction results.

Jerry, Age 80

Type of Policy

Survivorship Universal Life—One Insured Deceased

policy face value


cash surrender value


The client no longer required the coverage, and the cost of the policy was increasing significantly. The policy was trust-owned. The trustee saw a TV ad from a national settlement provider and called the provider directly to negotiate a maximum offer. After approximately one month of negotiation, the trustee received a maximum offer of $1,850,000 from the direct provider. Prior to executing the transaction, the client was referred to Treyled Life Settlements to get a second opinion. Treyled Life Settlements was then engaged to represent the seller. The opening offer received by Treyled Life Settlements was $2,700,000.

Final Offer Received and Paid


Simon, Age 75

Type of Policy

Indexed Universal Life

policy face value


cash surrender value


The client had premium financed an aggressively illustrated Indexed Universal Life policy, and the policy had not performed as projected. In connection with the premium financing, the client had provided a secured note to the lender for $2,411,000 that was due in the next 30 days, meaning the client was going to have to pay about $1 million out of pocket to the lender or risk losing a valuable income-producing family-owned property that was posted as the collateral. The client at that time could not afford the additional $1 million in cash required to repay the amount due under the note. Treyled Life Settlements was engaged to sell the contract and to help minimize the client’s out-of-pocket expense on unwinding the contract. After the TLS auction process, the client was not only able to repay the outstanding note in its entirety but also made a significant profit on the sale. The opening offer received was $2,200,000.

Final Offer Received and Paid


Sarah, Age 79

Type of Policy

Guaranteed Universal Life

policy face value


cash surrender value


The client was in great health and did not want or need the coverage any longer. The client was simply planning on surrendering the contract for the $131,000 cash surrender value. The client's advisor informed her that there was a possibility to sell the contract for more than the surrender value. Treyled Life Settlements received an opening offer of $228,000.

Final Offer Received and Paid


Ron, Age 66

Type of Policy

Convertible Term

policy face value


cash surrender value


The client’s term policy was about to expire, and the policy needed to be converted to permanent coverage or it would lapse with no value. The conversion premium was $98,000 per year, and the client did not wish to pay the increased cost. The case was “shopped” by another broker, and the maximum offer negotiated was $200,000. The client was referred to Treyled Life Settlements for another opinion. After completion of the TLS auction process, the client received more than double the maximum offer negotiated by the prior broker.

Final Offer Received and Paid
